Saturday, July 17, 2010


I know it's been a while since I have written a Bible study blog, but I have been studying my Bible nonetheless. So I am getting back into the swing of things. Today I read Romans 4. I have been reading a lot lately. I read Acts last week, this week I am reading Romans. :)

Romans 4

I will start off with verses 1 through 3 (paragraph 1). This is where Paul begins to speak about Abraham's faith to the Jews in Italy (Rome) because they were so proud to be descendants of Abraham. Abraham was saved by faith and Paul used this to speak into their hearts.  Abraham was not made righteous by what he did and he couldn't boast about what he was doing to be made righteous because the deeds weren't what made it so. If you look in Genesis 15:6 it says:

"Abraham believed in God, and God counted him righteous because of his faith."

So we are made righteous by our faith, not our deeds.

Now 4 through 8 are a little bit more into detail about this. Think of it this way... When you work at your job (for me, I chat all day LONG with people who don't particularly like me) and you are hard working, you do your deeds and you get paid for it, even if you don't particularly like it... You are given a "gift" that you WORKED for. Now in reality we are now on the spiritual track. You can work all you want to spiritually, but it will get you no reward, no gift, no "money". You will get nothing if you only do good deeds. The real thing you need it FAITH in Jesus Christ! This guy has it all! Have faith in Him because He even forgives SINNERS!!! BTW We are ALLLLLLL sinners. Now think of this,,, You go to work and sit on your butt all day and do nothing but believe that your "boss" is gonna forgive you and pay you anyway, you just have to have faith in Him and follow Him and do what he needs you to do if it comes to that and SOMETIMES you even WANT to work even though you won't get paid extra. In the end you get paid OODLES! This is what faith is like.. sorta. You have faith in Jesus and you are filled with the Holy Spirit which, get this, makes you want to step out IN FAITH and do good deeds that God needs you to do.

For me, this is mission work. I love Jesus. I LOVE Him! I would do anything for him in a heart beat. I felt Him tug on my heart to do missions and that's what I will ultimately do in life. Just pray about it, God has something in store for EVERYONE. God does not create something or someone who He will not have a use for! Be joyful because your sins have been forgiven and wiped off your slate by the blood of Jesus. :) That's not really a happy thing..death..but it kinda is.. It was meant to happen. it was God's plan.

The rest I want you to read for your own quiet time. I love all who read! God bless y'all!


Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Work was BUSY? annoying?? today..? I have no idea what you would call it.. all of the above I guess. Anyway, I cam home to a sleeping family and my 5 dogs who were alive and lovin on me. I wrote a letter to my sponsored child in Tanzania. I have to send it tomorrow. Thank God for snail mail! May the Great One bless all of you!


Monday, July 12, 2010

Short Prayer

There isn't really much to say right now.. God bless everyone and keep them safe and give them a great night of sleep and a great day in the morning. I love you all!! AMEN.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Workin Hard or Hardly Workin...

Today was pretty much a late day. I woke up late, took a shower late, ate brunch LATE, and got to work..ON TIME! You though i was gonna say late didn't you? Work went by quickly. I forgot to read my Bible before I left, so I thought about that. I prayed a bit, then before I knew it, it was time for break (eight at night to nine). It went by so fast because we were swamped from 3 to like...6? It's like EVERYONE any the mom wanted a hotel room.

Break was cool, I got to see my parents. I ate some brisket and potato salad.. and beans that weren't so great. Saw my sister as well. We guided her to Nazarene for the Darcy/Blyss concert. I wish I could've been there. Oh, well.

When I got back to work we all had a great time and talked and laughed and sang and talked and joked and laughed and sang. Then we started talking about church and Christian music. We ALL go to church. My boss lady :) Moniqua turned on some Gospel music and it was beautiful. I thought "thank you God for this wonderful job", then time flew by and 11 got there. The next hour was kinda slow, but we all talked a bit more. My team is in 2nd place so far for the contest we are having to have our sales up. I love being a sales rep.

Left at 12 AM and got home, EVERYONE was up. I watched Josie and the Pussycats and finished my dinner I didn't finish at 8, played with Little Man (the house dog) and read some more of Acts, two chapters down today as well. I love reading about the beginning of the church.

I am about to go to bed and catch some ZZZZZs, I gotta get up a bit early in the morning. I have to get ready for church. Hmm.. I wonder what the lesson will be over tomorrow. I love y'all and God bless you!


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Just Another Finished Friday

Today was a pretty good day. Work went by really fast and Matt (my fiance) got to go to the beach for the first time in his life today. The whole time he was gone I was praying for him.  He went to Galveston with his family. He apparently was turned into a lobster while he was there, but at least he got to see the beach in Galveston before the oil reached it too bad. He got a bit of oil on him but it was from the sea weed, so it wasn't really that bad. I'm just really glad he had a great time and got home safely. :)

God has been completely present in my life today. It was actually kinda... amazing. I asked Him to be present in my life today (like He isn't already). I know He is, but I asked Him to let me feel it more today, and He came through, of course.

You know what I love about having a job that requires me to type all day?? My speed has gone up significantly and I can spell on the fly now instead of thinking about how to spell stuff lol. You know what I have about having a job that requires me to type all day?? I will probably get carpal tunnel syndrome (spelling)...

How had your day been? Do you feel blessed?

Though for the day:
(from twitter)
Start tellin' Satan who you are in Christ instead of lettin him tell you who you are.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hey guys!

I realize I have basically dropped off the face of the earth lately...past month or so.. But God is still working in my life. My wedding is being put until next year in either June or November, but prayer is still staying center. How about I hear some feedback on how everyone has been lately?? If you have any prayer requests I will be soooo glad to take them. God bless y'all!
