Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 23/365 Bible in a Year

Tonight I am reading Genesis 12-15. Today though, I feel like I should focus on one main verse from every chapter. Really dive into it, contemplat it ya know? BY THE WAY!! IT'S TOTALLY SNOWING OUTSIDE!! AND STICKIN!! Anyway, I digress tooooooo much!
Chapter 12's verse it Genesis 12:1. This verse was the only verse that stuck out to me believe it or not.

"The Lord had said to Abram, "Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father's family, and go to the land that I will show you."

WHAT?! First God tells Him to leave where he lives? Okay, so Abram probably thinks, "Okay, but I'm takin my fathers family with me, okay God?" THEN God tells Abram to leave all his relatives behind... Abram probably thinks, "Okay, well my dad is my dad and I HAVE to take him, he's not really a relative, is he?" THEN what does God say? He says, "..and your father's family"....he's thinkin "What? Not even my dad can come? Can I bring my wife? *doubt*" He then tells Abram that He is going to take him and his wife, hi nephew Lot, and all his belongings and servants and cattle EVERYTHING that God didn't tell him NOT to bring, to a land that "[He] will show [them]".

But what does this mean?

Abram and Sarai and the company with them just packed ther things and left. No second thoughts of what they left, no nothing! They fully trusted God. How often do we trust God? Daily? Weekly?....NEVER!? People these days think about tomorrow and they are SCARED! Not me girl boo! I am excited, I guess you could say, because I know the God who holds tomorrow! Do you? Abram and Sarai did, I just love that verse.

The question is... would you just up and leave?

Chapter 13 wasn't hard to find a verse for. Let's make the theme "Things You Can Do For the Lord" Genesis 13:4. Worship lately? I know I have. EVERYDAY I pray, I sing and I think, oh, and I read my Bible, as you can see haha!

"This was the same place where Abram had built the altar, and there he worshipped the Lord, again."

Abram was a man of God. See how it says the word "again" at the end of that sentence. Yes, we worship the Lord, sometimes we just go through the motions.. that is why I like to pray before I begin worshipping, I ask God to show me something new whenever I'm about to worship Him. I ask Him to move in me and even if need be, bring tears tom my eyes, which happens more often than not, ask my boo. Abram worshipped the Lord, AGAIN! Which means he worshipped Him before.. WE SHOULD WORSHIP GOD WHOLE HEARTEDLY! Amen? DUR! It's the only thing we can probably do right in this world.

Next time you are about to go to worship service, think of Abram. AND BTW just because it's called worship doesn't mean you can only do it in a church. I have a friend named Allison. She puts it this way, "You don't just worship God in church, you worship God in life. Even tying your show is worshipping God if you do it with gladness." Amazing right? You can worship in your car, walkin down the sidewalk, in this case playing in the SNOW!!! EVERYDAY!

Chapter 14 was hard to find a verse in, but I found one that sticks out as giving the GLORY to GOD

Genesis 14:20.

"And blessed be God Most High, who has defeated your enemies for you."

Give the glory to God, enough said, right? Apparently not. How many times do you hear people say, it was God who saved me from that accident? It was God who kept me home so I wouldn't get on that plane...that crashed..? It was God who saved me? We seem to push God away when it come to the good in our life.. have you noticed?

Instead of them saying it was God who saved them from that accident, they say they have good luck. Instead of saying God kept them off that plane, they say they have good luck...INSTEAD of saying God saved me by giving up His Son, Jesus, who bled and died for MY sins, they say, I was saved... and maybe they smile.. The new Christian is very zealous.. it takes work to keep that zeal.

Like building a relationship with your husband does.... IT TAKES WORK TO MAKE IT PERFECT!

Give glory to GOD always!

Chapter 15 the only verse that stuck out to me like a sore thumb was Genesis 15:6.

"And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith."

Have faith in the LORD! FAITH is the only proof some people can give toward their beliefs. You can feel God move in you, you can feel Him speaking to you, you can FEEL His presence when you KNOW He's around you.. THAT IS FAITH! KNOWING DEEP INSIDE that God is REAL and that He EXISTS! That is faith. Do you have faith?

ANYONE could say they have faith in something. "I have faith in the New Orleans Saint" I am glad they won BTW haha! People can say they have faith in Jesus even, and not mean it. Once you say something enough times it sinks in and you begin to say t without meaning it. You could have faith in Jesus when you're saved.. keep saying oyu have faith in Christ. Say it again. Again. more time, again.. again.... AGAIN!! Now tell me that by the time you got to the end.....of all the "again"s that you weren't just saying it...? Am I right? Take it one step at a time guys... Learn more about Him daily. Talk to Him about your days, love HIM!!

Prayer requests? Comment below of email me at


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