Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Glory and Praise

Great Escape was beautiful. I don't know what it is that God does when we worship with fellow believers in Christ, but He does SOMETHING that makes you unleash your form of worship. There is something there when your in a group that is not there when you worship on your own. Praise God for His majesty and beauty and grace. I read Psalms 26 and 27 today. I forgot to write of 25, but today, I am going to write about what I have been given at church (both mine and FB GE- First Baptist Great Escape for college students).

My church (Jubilee Christian Center) has a group that is for all youth ages 13 to 19. I am 19 until January, and one that hits, I will help out. Today we were told to write down everything God is to us. (For example, some things I wrote were: Friend, Protector, Forgiver, Peace, Hope, etc.) I wrote random ones from everyone on a big poster board that was taped up at the end. We read Psalm 67 and 96. Also, from this list (first come, first serve) we had to choose one that was placed up there. I chose Glorious. Now between today and next Wednesday, I need to be on the lookout for verses referring to Glorious God and His glory. Makes me happy!!

At GE we were talking about Joshua 24:15 and Who we choose to serve. I choose to serve the one true God. (big G) I choose Him over the little idols called gods (little g). The little gs don't necessarily even have to be false gods. This could be money, education, pay roll, boyfriend, girlfriend, ANYTHING! But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.

Glory to God in the highest, forever. Amen.


Prayer request? Email me at!! God bless!

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