Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 1/365 Bible in a Year

I started reading my Bible in a year today. I am reading Romans 1-2. Romans 1:1-17 was an awakening for me. I told y'all I had fallen in my walk with God recently. This passage made me cry. I rededicated my life tonight. It's such sn emotional thing.. :( I can't believe I let myself fall this far.. I am ashamed, but God doesn't even know what I'm talking about, because He has forgiven me before I asked.. I asked for forgiveness and He says, for what my child? Amazing!

Romans1:1-5 woke me up when I read the words, "and He was shown to be the Son of God when He was raised from the dead by the power of th Holy Spirit." The entire passage is more dramatic if you read all of it and then get to this part..rather than reading an excerpt. But you get the picture, right?

Romans 1:8-12 made me cry and rededicate because of these words, "because your faith is being talked about all over the world." Can you imagine this? A faith in God, a faith in Christ, a connection to the Holy Spirit that is so noitceable, so exciting, so extravagant that the entire world is talking about it? I want this faith. I have this faith, I just don't share it like I should. I am changing that quickly!

The rest talks about God's anger toward sin. Wickedness grew in the world. I wish I could go into the world and share the Good News, but I don't have all that money. I will share it in my town.

Romans 2 starts out telling us not to judge eachother before examining ourselves. God's "day of anger" is coming soon. He will judge us ultimately by His law. He will punish us who disobey and raise us who do. He knows EVERYONE'S secrets.

And He speaks to us Christians, too. He tells us not to hold ourselves upon a pedistal just because we are Christians. We cannot tell others what not to do if we are hypocrites by doing so. We need to fix ourselves first, then teach others the Way. Yes, sometimes we are going to fall, yes, sometimes we are going to seem like hypocrites, yes, that is Satan messing up our lives. Just don't let him interfere. Push him away! Flee from him, flee from sin!

Lastly in Romans 2 God tells up through Paul that just because you are born of Christian parents or decent does not mean that you are automatically a Christian. A true Christian is one whose heart is right with God. A true circmcision is having a true change of heart because of God's Spirit.

Ain't God good?
Yes He is!


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