Sunday, January 3, 2010

How Can They Come To Fruition?

1) "Get closer to God, no matter what happens or needs to happen."

This is going to be easy most times and hard the rest of the time. The words "no matter what happens or needs to happen" can mean a LOT! I could die, or someone close to me could die. Somethings horrible could happen to me or someone close to me, but no matter what happens I will ALWAYS stay close to God and keep growing closer to Him. What needs to happen is me spending one tenth of my time with God., DAILY! That's, if I calculated it right, about two and a half hours a day.

2) "Don't fall away from God, no matter what happens or needs to happen."

This will be just as easy as writing a book in three days. Just in case you didn't catch that, it will be difficult. I am engaged to be married soon and my fiance is extremely attractive. That in itself is a one-up and a pit-fall in this life. We chose to not live in sin and not have sex until we get married. It is very hard and gets even harder the closer it gets to the wedding. But, we are succeeding with prayer. This one falls in with the first resolution I made.

3) "Do not complain, even if it IS the hardest thing to have to do."

Complaining is one of the things I do the most, expecially at work. So to vow not to complain this year means so much to me. If something doesn't go the way I plan for it to go, the first thing I think of doing is complaining.

4) "Do not gossip."

One of the aspects of this world that just erks at me the most is gossip. I cannot stand when someone is gossiping about someone who can't stand up for themselves right then. But to be totally and completely honest, I have caught myself either about to say something or half way into saying something gossipy. In a way I am a hypocrite, but in others, I am only human. Thanks Eve.

5) "Work out daily or at the least, four times a week."

This isn't new for me, but I plan on being more commited this year than usual. I have to get to my goal weight before I buy my wedding dress in late April. Plus it will make me feel better, healthier.

6) "Keep a healthy diet."

This is newish for me, I got so used to being in high school and not having to worry about my diet because I was always going, going, going. Now I am not going so much I have gained a few pounds. This is for me and me only. I want to live a healthy life.

7) "Cook more often."

I don't want to eat out all the time. Eww! I usually eat my mom's cooking. We hardly ever eat out, but I need to learn how to cook before I move out and I am moving out pretty soon. This would be good experience for me.

8) "Clean out my life."

This involves cleaning my room, my car, and moving. Also, it includes saving money to afford these things such as bills and school.

9) "Plan and accomplish our wedding."

We began planning our wedding in November. We are so excited about it and hope that it turns out to be as great as we are imagining it to be. I'm more excited than Matt I think. Ahhh!

10) "Marry my fiance, Matt."

Kind of a dead give away that this one is going to happen. We are so in love. It's almost like a novel. But all things said and done, this is going to be the highlight of our year, also it ties in with the resolution number nine.

11) "Move out of my parents' house and into an apartment."

This is one I plan on fulfilling before I get married. I will be moving in with one of my best friends, Alli. From January to August. In June Matt will live with us and share my room for a few months and then we will get our own apartment. This has to do with the resolution number eight.

12) "Save money."

I have chosen to spend less money on EVERYTHING. Cheaper things = more money saved.

13) "Don't buy anymore books until I finish the ones I have already bought. *This one will be hard, seeing as how I am a book fiend*"

This has to do in part with the resolution number twelve. I spend way too much money on books.

14) "Start school this summer."

This is one of the things I am saving money for. I am trying for scholarships. I am putting back money for my life. One day it will al lfall together the way it should be.

15) "Stay dedicated in the organization I started called 'Spread the News to Nacogdoches'."

I plan on staying tightly knit with this group because this is one things that I feel God has called me to do. I felt Him call me to be a mssionary in June 2009 and this is the second action I will be taking toward foreign missions. It is a local mission.
Keep me in your prayers, if you will? Have an amazing new year!

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